Blog Smoke

I really don’t have much to add to the blog as yet because, well, frankly, I’ve been doing what I’m supposed to be doing–reading, writing, eating spaghetti–and it’s all rather dull. I plan to take my first excursion Thursday.
On Sunday, I attended church at St. Mary and the Martyrs. Incense must be extremely cheap in England. I bet someone tries to sue the Church on account of second-hand smoke inhalation. Afterwards, I ate lunch at “Charlie Chan’s Restaurant”–no joke. I expected more arcane nomenclature from Cambridge. But so far British cuisine seems a well-deserved stereotype. The company was great (Cy and Elizabeth Pulapilly from Notre Dame, and their nephew), but the food was only so-so and expensive.
I spent the rest of the day in my room typing till I started to cough on smoke again; some guy across Barton was burning yard trash.
OK, I’m boring myself.
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